
A Gershwin Celebration  SL10044 A Gershwin Celebration
Moscow Philharmonic
Dmitri Kitayenko
The music on this CD is from concert performances, radio broadcasts, and studio recordings from 1959 to 1990.  Sofia Cosma was a great Russian pianist of strong emotional output and authority.
This music constitutes Brahms' most important contribution to the piano literature. A lifelong Brahmsian, Mayorga plays these pieces with an orchestral approach that is direct and personal. Sheffield's piano recording is warm, intimate and immediate. Produced and engineered by Greg Steele.
This recording, originally a live, unedited, direct-to-disc concert performance, is a dramatically beautiful piano recording, engineered by the late Doug Sax (1936-2015). Sax was known for his minimalist, classical approach to recording, with the emphasis on critical microphone placement in a fine acoustical environment.
Matter of Time  SL10060 Matter of Time
Michael Allen Harrison
A fresh and brilliant recording of a cornerstone of romantic piano literature, the Twenty-four Preludes of Frederic Chopin. These compositions explore the full range of the composer's musical and emotional palette, inspiring Franz Liszt to call them "poetic preludes, like those of a great contemporary poet." The preludes are supplemented by Brahms' last opus for piano and three pieces by Prokofiev: a waltz from his opera "War and Peace" and the contradance and waltz from the motion picture, "Lermontov."